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2024 NC Congressional District 2 Reorganization Convention

Time: Saturday, September 7th, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Location: Virtual Meeting

The primary business of this reorganization meeting is to align with the congressional maps. For this District Reorganization Convention, our only business of the day is electing the leadership along the new 2024 lines. Here are the offices we will need to fill. 

  1. Elections of Congressional District Officers

    1. Chair

    2. First Vice Chair

    3. Second Vice Chair

    4. Third Vice Chair

    5. Secretary

    6. Standing committees 

      1. Plan of Organization Review Committee

      2. Platforms and Resolutions Committee

      3. Council of Review Committee

Registration is REQUIRED to attend the Congressional District Convention.

  • Delegates must register by 11:59 pm on Thursday, September 5, 2024.

  • Observers must register by 11:59 pm on Thursday, September 5, 2024. Only Democrats registered to vote in NC may be observers.

Click HERE to access and complete the Registration Form.

Convention Documents

Click HERE to access the Proposed Agenda.

Click HERE to access the Proposed Rules of the Day.

Click HERE to view our current North Carolina Democratic Party Plan of Organization.

Candidates for CD2 Congressional District Officers

If you would like to run for a CD2 Congressional District Executive Officers, you may complete the pre-declaration form or self-nominate from the floor at the appropriate time during the CD2 Reorganization Convention. The election date will be September 7, 2024.

Learn more about the various positions. Click HERE .

Click HERE to pre-declare your intent to run for a CD2 Congressional District Officer.

Click HERE to view candidates.

State-Wide Committee Candidate

Review the Plan of Organization information to learn more about the various positions. Click HERE .

If you would like to run for any of the State-Wide Committee positions, you may complete the pre-declaration form or self-nominate from the floor during the appropriate time during the CD2 Convention. The election date will be September 7, 2024.

State-Level Committees:

Click HERE to pre-declare your intent to run for a state-wide committee - Plan of Organization Review Committee, Council of Review Committee, and Platform and Resolution Review Committee.

Click HERE to view candidates.