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CD-02 Dems: (VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING) Regular Meeting for the Entire Executive Committee

This is a Regular Meeting of NCDP CD2 Executive Committee.

It will be open to be observed by all registered Democrats. We welcome visitors and potential volunteers to join us. There will be Special Rules to be adopted for the meeting found Here.

The agenda will be as follows (Full Agenda Here):


Call to Order                        Chair
Pledge of Allegiance           Chair
Opening Remarks               Chair
Minutes from last meeting   Secretary
Treasurer’s Report              Treasurer
Chair’s Report                     Chair
Vice Chairs Reports
    1st Vice Chair
    2nd Vice Chair
    3rd Vice Chair
Auxiliary Reports
Tech Committee Formation Proposal                     3rd Vice Chair
A Proposed Tech committee with at least 3 members and Ex Officio Members: CD2 Chair, 3rd VC, Secretary, all Democratic County chairs that have at least 1 precinct in the 2nd Congressional District, Webmaster.


NCDP CD2 2021 Convention Planning    1st Vice Chair
Form a candidate search committee. This committee will propose officers for the 2021 - 2023 term to provide a balanced pool of qualified candidates that will adhere to the Plan of Operation’s diversity requirements. 

Zoom Meeting Information
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 4225 8449

Additional Links and Information:

Link to COVID-19 Resolution

Link to NCDP Executive Council meeting minutes, December 21, 2020

Link to NCDP Executive Council meeting minutes, January 11, 2020.

If you are interested in joining the NC - 02 Dems Tech Committee, fill out the following Google Form:

Application Form -